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There is a somewhat extended market for health products in the USA. Not only that but if you consider the amount of time and effort people spend on getting cured from different problems the amount probably grow to staggering amounts. Couple that with doctors and drug companies and medical schools, the amounts get up to levels beyond petty cash.

Then if you think about what people spend on mental health and the hope to be cured from mental problems pretty soon you are talking about real money,-- more than pocket change.

But if you have faith in the wise אמונת חכמים there is already available a simple and easy cure Musar.[Medieaval Books of Ethics.]

Musar in this context has a very limited and specific definition. It does not mean any book that talks about fear of God or good character traits. [The first thing when you mention the word Musar to anyone is they claim some other practice is enough Musar for them. Or some other book has Musar in it. Or some other book can replace Musar. These are all false claims. They come from the fact that Musar is hard to learn. And it is as fun as a dentist's chair. It is hard but its rewards are great.

Musar means  the  very limited number of Medieaval Ethics. The main requirement for something to be counted as Musar is that it be written by a rishon. There are traditional Musar books written after the Middle Ages, but they get more and more doubtful as you get further from the Middle Ages.

Whom is the sage that said Musar is a cure for mental and physical disease? Isaac Blazer. He was disciple of Israel Salanter.  And he based his idea on the Rambam in the beginning of his book אור ישראל.

What I think are the best ones: Duties of the Heart חובות לבבות, Paths of the Righteous אורכות צדיקים, המספיק לעובדי השם by the son of the Rambam, ספר הישר which is attributed to Rabbainu Tam.

What is the reason for this? It is because the books of Ethics from the middle ages have  a spirit o Fear of God that permeates them in a way that nothing that came later can do.

But you should not make Musar yeshivas. While there are good Musar yeshivas, but yeshivas for the most part have become businesses. [Some are however sincere. But in the main yeshivas are business and run like businesses. And that as we know against the Torah.]]