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But the major pathway that pantheism took to become the official doctrine of insane religious world. was through Kabalah. While it is clear that kabbalah is monotheistic, through the effects of amei haaretz ignorant people, it became assumed that it is pantheistic.

It was well known when I was growing up that the basic approach of Torah is monotheism.

Clearly the pantheism that became  apart of insane religious  world. was a kind of conspiracy. It has some ancient roots.  But the major pathway that pantheism took to become the official doctrine of the insane religious world was through  Kabalah.  While it is clear that kabbalah is monotheistic, through the effects of amei haaretz ignorant people, it became assumed that it is pantheistic. 

Even though the Rambam and his son went to great lengths to show that the world view of the Torah is Monotheism still  there is a lot of ("fenegaling") word games people do to twist the meaning of Torah.

What I suggest in order to have this issue clear is to make  a distinction between the ideas of emanation of the Ari as opposed to the concept of pantheism. The truth is it is easy to see the difference if you try. What makes it hard is that some people have made it their business to twist the Torah into pantheism and then claim that that is traditional Torah.

If you try to tell someone that not everything is Divine, and the universe is not God, you get the strangest kinds of looks  as if you just said some kind of terrible heresy.