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Chaim from Voloshin-- a disciple of the Gra said that when a person accepts on himself the yoke of Torah, there is removed from him the time wasting distractions. This is really  a mishna but Reb Chaim puts a kind of emphasis on it. That is he said when one gets up in the morning and accepts on himself for that day to be involved in learning Torah, then the other time wasting and time consuming distractions are taken away from him.

This however does not mean to be in a yeshiva. Yeshivas today are very often themselves distractions. What this means in a practical vein is to get a small Talmud and to set aside a place in your home where you go through a half a page a day with Rashi, Tosphot, and the Maharsha and Maharam.

Along with this he also said that when one remembers his own sins constantly and confesses them that he will not be damaged in any way.

So here we have two valuable pieces of advice that I think provide a practical way to be saved from the many problems that plague a person.