Belief in God is rational. Everything has a cause. So unless there is a first cause, then you would have an infinite regress. And then nothing could exist. Therefore there must be a first cause. Therefore God, the first cause, exists. QED.
most divorces cannot be valid
I think most divorces cannot be valid because of the problem with names which has never been cleared up. All the best authorities disagree on how to write the Hebrew and otherwise nicknames, and the disagreements are relevant to the most basic validity of the “get” divorce document. But all this has relevance to the way a divorce is given through the husband telling someone else to write it. (However, the very essence of the divorce in itself is nothing more that a piece of paper that says, “You are allowed to any man”. From the law of the Torah, this is valid with no names, nor with any date. If this would be instituted, at least the divorce would be valid if given in front of two witnesses, or with two signatures.)[ Take a look at the "tshuvot" [questions asked of achronim and their answers and this issue about names is never resolved and always come up constantly.]The problem is where do you out the name given at birth and the nickname and the name that is preferred., Look at for example the questions and answers posed to Rav Joel sirkes of Krakow [the Bach number 95] and his disagreements with other great achronim of that period and later periods.The Ramban on Gitin page 20 brings the idea that the divorce should be valid without name and date, just a piece of paper that “you are permitted to any man.” Tosphot holds it is valid but the Ramban holds it is not valid._______________________________________________________________
I think most divorces cannot be valid because of the problem with names which has never been cleared up. All the best authorities disagree on how to write the Hebrew and otherwise nicknames, and the disagreements are relevant to the most basic validity of the “get” divorce document. But all this has relevance to the way a divorce is given through the husband telling someone else to write it. (However, the very essence of the divorce in itself is nothing more that a piece of paper that says, “You are allowed to any man”. From the law of the Torah, this is valid with no names, nor with any date. If this would be instituted, at least the divorce would be valid if given in front of two witnesses, or with two signatures.) look at theשל האחרונים שאלאת ותשובות and their answers and this issue about names is never resolved and always come up constantly. The problem is where do you out the name given at birth and the nickname and the name that is preferred., Look at for example the questions and answers posed to theב''ח number צ''הand his disagreements with other great אחרוניםof that period and later periods. The רמב''ן on גיטין page כ' brings the idea that the divorce should be valid without name and date, just a piece of paper that “you are permitted to any man.” תוספות holds it is valid but the רמב''ן holds it is not valid._____________________________________________________
אני חושב שרוב הגירושים לא יכולים להיות תקפים בגלל הבעיה עם שמות שמעולם לא הוסרה. כל מיטב האחרונים חולקים בדעתם כיצד לכתוב את הכינויים, וזה שייך לתוקף הבסיסי של מסמך הגירושין (הגט). אבל לכל זה יש רלוונטיות רק לדרך בה ניתן גט באמצעות שהבעל אומר למישהו אחר לכתוב את הגט. (אולם, עצם הגט מן התורה אינו אלא פיסת נייר שאומרת "את מותרת לכל אדם". מדין התורה זה תקף ללא שמות, ולא בשום תאריך. אם זה יתנהל, לפחות הגט יהיה תקף אם יינתן בפני שני עדים, או בשתי חתימות. הבעיה היא השם שניתן בלידה ואת הכינוי והשם המועדף. תסתכל למשל על השאלות והתשובות של הב''ח מספר צ''ה ובחילוקי הדעות של האחרונים מאותה תקופה ותקופות מאוחרות יותר. הרמב''ן בדף כ' גיטין מביא את הנושא שהגט צריך להיות תקף ללא שם ותאריך, רק פיסת נייר ש"אתה רשאי לכל אדם". תוספות מחזיקים זה תקף, אבל הרמב''ן מחזיק שזה לא תקף