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So one should learn the books of Rav Nahman of Breslov, but only in conjunction with the regular Musar books of the Rishonim and in the context of a Litvak yeshiva.

 There are  great ideas of Rav Nahman of Breslov. However there is the importance of learning Torah that is lacking in that system. This was not because Rav Nahman himself did not know about it, but rather he was concentrating in his teachings on how to encourage and help people that were not yet able to learn in depth.  There is also in the teachings of Rav Nahman a lot of disparaging of science and philosophy and doctors. A lot of what he says is quite true seeing how much the social studies departments of universities have become saturated with pseudo science. Still, I think it is best not to throw out the baby with the bath water. Among the important ideas of Rav Nahman are hitbodadut--to speak with God as one speaks with a good friend. This is the real authentic meaning of prayer; not prayer from  prayer books, but prayer from the heart. BUT this great and important idea does work best only when one is grounded in a Litvak yeshiva where Torah is learned for its own sake. 

So one should learn the books of Rav Nahman of Breslov, but only in conjunction with the regular Musar books of the Rishonim and in the context of a Litvak yeshiva.

i think that one should learn in Litvak yeshiva and on the side learn Rav Nahman. The idea here is that the general litvak approach is sine non que, (without which not,) without which, nothing can even start