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This is music written for the glory of God. Also a link to the little booklet I wrote on ch 8 and 9 in the Talmud Tractate Bava Metzia.

i6 [i6 in midi format]

n62 [n62 in midi]

n63  [n63 in midi format]

עיוני בבא מציעא

I had to made an important correction. On page 97 there is a question on Tosafot that I deal with at length. But in the middle of the discussion I put the answer to the question. I just realized now that that is not the the right place for the answer, but rather after all other possibilities have been eliminated then should come the proper answer.

[The piece I am referring to here starts with: בבא מציעא דף צז: קודם כל בתור הקדמה, אני רוצה להציע  משפט מהמשנה ]

And here is another link to an even smaller booklet on isolated subjects in the Talmud and I must mention that this later booklet has not been edited as thoroughly as the first one.חידושי הש''ס