I think the place that Israel סלנטר saw in the Ramban [Nachmanides] that showed to him that the opinion of the Ramban that one does not need השתדלות [effort] is the ויקרא Leviticus ch 26 verse 11.
It is a known fact that Rav Israel did see this in the Ramban. He is quoted in the מדרגת האדם as saying such. But in the actual Musar magazine that he published in Vilnius the תבונה in the musar Drasha he wrote there this same statement appears. The question has been floating around for a long time where is the Rambanרמב''ן is this statement?
People noticed that Ramban but did not think deep enough into what he is saying.
So let me say over the exact statement so you will see.
"Permission is given to the doctor to heal but not to the patient to be healed. " That is after the patient comes to the doctor, the doctor can assume that he has done this before so he is not among those who trust in God and then he can heal him. But the patient has no such permission. He is supposed to trust in God." There is no way to explain this Ramban except the way Israel Salanter did, that one does not need השתדלות effort.
It is known that the Obligations of the Heart disagrees with the Ramban. But it is hard to know exactly what he means.
King Asa he wrote trusted in God and the doctors. So it seems if he had trusted in God alone but still gone to doctors that would have been OK.
It is a known fact that Rav Israel did see this in the Ramban. He is quoted in the מדרגת האדם as saying such. But in the actual Musar magazine that he published in Vilnius the תבונה in the musar Drasha he wrote there this same statement appears. The question has been floating around for a long time where is the Rambanרמב''ן is this statement?
People noticed that Ramban but did not think deep enough into what he is saying.
So let me say over the exact statement so you will see.
"Permission is given to the doctor to heal but not to the patient to be healed. " That is after the patient comes to the doctor, the doctor can assume that he has done this before so he is not among those who trust in God and then he can heal him. But the patient has no such permission. He is supposed to trust in God." There is no way to explain this Ramban except the way Israel Salanter did, that one does not need השתדלות effort.
It is known that the Obligations of the Heart disagrees with the Ramban. But it is hard to know exactly what he means.
King Asa he wrote trusted in God and the doctors. So it seems if he had trusted in God alone but still gone to doctors that would have been OK.