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Even if my opinion is against the consensus, the consensus is often wrong. You have to be an independent thinker. I learned this from my father who made a fortune on the stock market. He said, "If you want to lose money, the best way is to listen to what the people tell you to invest in." That is if you don't want to lose money then think independently.

The idea of the excommunication of the Gra would not be so interesting if it was not for that the fact that he did sign it. If it was only a question of whether one should put an excommunication on someone then there would be little of interest about the subject.
For we know that there is a law that as soon as you see something doing an איסור a prohibition the you put them into חרם. That is the straightforward law in the Shulchan Aruch straight from the gemara itself.  But we don't do this nowadays for obvious reasons.
But the question about the חרם of the Gra is different because it in fact was done. And it still has validity.
  It means that one that is interested in let's say for example praying with a minyan [10 people for prayer]can't do that mitzvah with a group under the ban because the people under that ban can't be counted as part of a minyan.
  It means that one that wants to learn Torah can't do so with members of that group because they are not allowed to learn Torah nor teach it. So it has a great deal of relevance today, even for people that do almost no mitzvot. Because the idea of the ban is that any mitzvot done in connection with that group have no validity. Any connection at all with that group will lead to punishment in this world and the next in spite of their own delusions of grandeur.
The most interesting thing about  the חרם excommunication is that it has a דין of a neder [oath]. That is at least how the Mishnah LaMelech understands it. That is juts like when a person says This bread is forbidden to me like a sacrifice the bread becomes forbidden of him to eat so is the case with a חרם. Ignoring the prohibition does not make it go away. Even if one thinks that it should not have been made it still remains in force.

Even if my opinion is against the consensus, the consensus is often wrong. You  have to be an independent thinker.
I learned this from my father who made a fortune on the stock market. He said, "If you want to lose money, the best way is to listen to what the people tell you to invest in." That is if you don't want to lose money then think independently.

You don't need to take my word for this. Just think to yourself some of the cost of ignoring the Gra and what that has led to in your own life and in others. Is there anything at all that you can honestly point to to say that you have gained by ignoring the Gra? Or is it more likely you have convinced yourself that there are some imaginary benefits. While the cost to you and others around you have not been imaginary. They have been real. When the damage is real and extensive and the value is all in your imagination then is it not time to start thinking about what you are doing?

 החרם של הגר"א לא היה כל כך מעניין אם לא היה   העובדה שהוא  חתם עליו. אם זה היה רק שאלה של אם אחד צריך לשים נידוי על מישהו אז לא יהיה  עניין בנושא
כי אנחנו יודעים שיש חוק שברגע שאתה רואה משהו עושה איסור  לשים אותם בחרם. זהו החוק הפשוט בשולחן ערוך מהגמרא עצמה. אבל אנחנו לא עושים את זה בימינו מסיבות ברורות
אבל השאלה על החרם של הגר"א היא שונה כי זה בעובדה נעשה ועדיין יש לו תוקף
  זה אומר שאחד שהוא מעוניין (נניח לדוגמא) להתפלל במניין לא יכול לעשות את זה עם קבוצה תחת האיסור כי האנשים תחת חרם שלא ניתן לספור כחלק ממניין
  זה אומר שאדם שרוצה ללנוד תורה לא יכול לעשות זאת עם חברים בקבוצה כי הם לא מורשים ללמוד תורה ולא מלמדים את זה. אז יש לו הרבה מאוד רלוונטיות היום, אפילו לאנשים שעושים כמעט לא שום מצוות. משום  שהאיסור הזה גורם שכל מצוות שעושים בהקשר לקבוצה אין תוקף.

הדבר הכי המעניין על החרם הוא שיש לו דין של נדר. זה איך שהמשנה למלך מבין את זה. זה בולט כמו כאשר אדם אומר "לחם זה אסור לי כמו קרבן" הלחם הופך להיות  אסור לאכול. כך במקרה של חרם. התעלמות מן האיסור לא עושה כלום. גם אם אחד לא חושב שלא היה צריך לעשות את זה עדיין נשאר בתוקף