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I discussed the problem of making a center of Torah [with my learning partner] and he was not impressed with the need for such a thing. He thought a person's responsibility is to learn and to keep Torah himself. That is to go out a buy the Babylonian Talmud  with Rashi, Tosphot, the Avi Ezri, and Reb Chaim Soloveitchik's Chidushei HaRambam and just plow through them at home.

There is some point to supporting Torah, but it is like shooting in the dark. Most of the places you give your money to are going to be scams. Unless you are in a place nearby and you walk in and pray there and see what is going on up close and personal, then there is no more chance of your money going to support real Torah than if you would just throw it into the wind and hope some worthy person will pick it up and find it.