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My impression of women in the USA is that too much feminism got to them. That means as some comments have said slavery of the man. Some men do not accept slavery willingly.  I was one like that. Especially growing upon traditional American Jewish values, the prospect of being someone slave seemed less than the best option.

"Taking on the roles of responsible husband and father has always been a tremendous sacrifice for men. However in the past society acknowledged those sacrifices with some perks: respect, a certain amount of deference, male only spaces, some authority over family matters, and property rights. Those benefits are all gone. Yet men are still expected to live up to their historical responsibilities. The amazing thing to me is that men continue to get married at all. "

The woman launches a frivorce  with cash and prizes in virtually every case. Who needs it?

Likewise divorce and court administration officials simply do not care HOW court-ordered quota dollars are ultimately used for the support of the children, if at all. No receipts or accountability required.
All they care about is that the subject (ex-husband) “hits quota”.
Because hitting quota is a good thing.
Never mind that the ex-wife’s new live-in boyfriend has taken the quota dollars to place spinning gold rims on his 2010 Honda Civic.

More and more men are coming to the conclusion that being a woman’s slave (thanks to her daddy the state) is not for them. Why do something that has a really good chance of destroying your life? It’s just not worth it.

Female initiated frivorce for cash and prizes constitutes a kind of tax that is only paid by married men. The fact that frivorce looks random from the outside doesn’t change this.
I repeat: frivorce constitutes a tax that is only paid by (some) married men. It is easy to avoid the frivorce tax; just don’t get married.

The frivorce tax is only paid by married men. An economic fact no one dares to notice.

My advice: I am aware of problems in the West. My answer for this is to learn the Old Testament, the Two Talmuds  and works of Ethics written during the Middle Ages. 
And avoid all cults.