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I know one person that was interested in converting to the insane religious world . He was talking in glowing terms about the frum world (the insane religious world ) to his father and his father said, "They probably have a few skeletons in their closet."  He did anyway convert. But it is interesting to notice the analogy. Sometimes something looks squeakily clean because they have put all the skeletons away where you can't see them.

Personally, I must admit that when I was planning on going to yeshiva, my father probably said something along the same lines to me.
I also did not listen.
In any case, the places I did go to were probably a lot better than most. But still there is something about my own experience in the frum would which I think indicate that there is something funny about it.
My own approach to this is to say "Well, they are just not keeping the Torah." And I did notice a lot of the teachings of the Shatz have become an integral part of the insane religious world  by way of pseudo Kabalah. In any case, I do think that the insane religious world  is mainly not very kosher. That is as a general rule. But Lithuanian yeshivas and communities founded upon them tend to be very good. So if you want to keep Torah--and that is a good idea--it is important to find a decent Litvak Yeshiva.
But the danger is there are lots of bad influence outside the doors of the yeshiva.

Some of the ways I don't agree with the insane religious world  are in Halacha. Other areas are about the State of Israel. Another area is concerning ethics,- [things that Musar was supposed to correct.]