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If you look at the Rambam [Maimonides] about the issue of idolatry you can see he uses the second verse לא תעבדם "Don't serve them as a verse that specifically forbids kissing  hugging, sweeping in front or doing an kind of honor to an idol." That is the verse in Exodus 30. And he says one does not get lashes for this because it is not explained in the verse what it is referring to exactly.

So he is not using the idea of the Gemara [Sanhedrin 63a] that it is a לאו שבכללות a prohibition that forbids many things.
Tosphot also asks in the last Tosphot on the page how is it different than Shabat or cooking a the sciatic nerve on the festival, or eating the Passover sacrifice boiled or raw? He says basically the same as the Rambam אלו מיפרשי טפי.

What does all this mean? Is this how the Rambam and Tosphot are explaining the idea of לאו שבכללות a prohibition that forbids many things?

Tosphot  and the Rambam are saying that the prohibition for the rebellious son is don't eat on the blood and that is the prohibition that gets him lashes.  So Tosphot is not looking at this a a לאו שבכללות -- but  Tosphot and the Rambam both say about "don't serve other gods" that the problem is it is not explicit about what the lashes come for.
So what we have is that what I said a few days ago in this blog. That Tosphot and the Rambam simply noticed that Rabbi Yochanan disagrees with the Braita. Dont eat on the blood is not a לאו שבכללות. But לא תעבדם is a  לאו שבכללות

P.S. There are more serious kinds of idolatry, i.e., the four services and accepting  anything or anyone as ones god. But the prohibition for those things comes from a different verse that is found in the Ten Commandments.

Sanhedrin 61b.

I assume this is the basic reason the Gra found good reason to sign his name on the famous  excommunication that deals with this problem.