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Ann Rand

It is hard to defend capitalism because of several things. John Locke is the beginning of the empirical school of thought [that all knowledge comes through the senses] which is in close connection with his political ideas. Since there is knowledge that does not depend on the senses a serious foundation of his system is lacking.
The intuitionists Michael Hummer and Caplan are great thinkers but there is a certain quietism about their system.
I think Capitalism and Libertarian ideas [the Tea Party] can be defended by only by the  Kant who sees the individual as the  key. Autonomy. Authority must come from within. That is Kant's Dinge An Sich.
Ann Rand was amazing writer and defender of freedom and democracy, but one needs to defend this system from a philosophical rigorous point of view. It is not enough to defend it vigorously. The reason for this is people are not stupid. They see thinkers of great caliber defending Marxism. The whole structure of leftist Marxism has an array of powerful thinkers.  Freud, Rousseau. They pack a punch. These are very sophisticated thinkers all used in defense of Modern Marxism. The sad thing is they are defending the most murderous corrupt system ever devised by man.

It is not as if you could not support capitalism, freedom and democracy by a similar array of even more powerful thinkers and even more sophisticated--Maimonides, Aristotle, Aquinas, Kant,