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there are parasites in the oceans and seas

 It might seem not all the relevant to this blog but I wanted to mention that there are parasites in the oceans and seas. An example is the teredo. Columbus on his 4th voyage to South America discovered a worm that literally ate up his ships.  Not a single ship was sea worthy after being eaten by that worm. So I wanted to mention that sometimes humans can also encounter parasites when they go to the beach. So what I wanted to mention is that these worms do not like to be squished. If one finds under his skin a parasite, I recommend squishing that area. That is much more effective than applying any type of medicine. בחולין מובא סכנתא חמירא מאיסורא In tractate Hulin it is brought the question why a danger to life was brought up in one discussion.. The answer was danger to human life is more be stressed that prohibitions.