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The Gemara in Gitin pg 7 says how do we know that song is forbidden?

 The Gemara in Gitin pg 7 says how do we know that song is forbidden? It answers from one  verse. Then asks "Why not bring from another verse?" Answer: "From there we might think only by instruments is forbidden. How would we know that even by voice is forbidden? From the first verse." To Rashi Tosphot and Rav Yeshayah from Trani this means song in bars [drinking bars]. But to the Rambam all song in forbidden except songs of praise to God. But we see also in the Gemara that making songs out of verses is also forbidden. [See the Gemara where you see that making songs of any verses is forbidden not just the book of Song of Songs.]For this reason Sephardim had lots of Pizmonim [songs in their sidur in order not to be using verses of psalms to be making into songs.

The songs with verses however is worse. That is as the Gemara says about using verses as words for songs "They have made me a song to them." And this does not apply to Shir HaShirim alone but to any use of any verse to make a song. However there is a Gemara Yerushalmi הכל חולים לגבי שיר אפילן אישה זקנה Everyone is sick when they lack song, even an old woman. But not that is is a mitzvah.

So why do I write music then? Because I am sick. Betrayed by everyone I trusted. The religious world in particular. that I thought were righteous. My soul is sick from the fact that I wanted so much to learn Torah but was expelled from every single yeshiva that I wanted simply to sit and learn in. I would just walking and start trying to learn Torah and told to leave. But surprise was that there were the same places that were begging secular Jews to give them money because they had an open door policy for anyone that wanted to learn Torah. I found the opposite to be true. They were using the name of Torah to make money and try to gain power. The "Frum world" I found to be the exact opposite of authentic Torah. That just this, but in an astounding way, they did tremendous efforts to cause a divorce between me and my wife and later to rape my children. So the frum religious world I found to be anti-Torah.Opposed to true Torah Values.