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subversion within a group and the problems of a hierarchy.

In this essay Steven Dutch discusses some of the problems with subversion within.

Also he writes ( interaction of top-down and adaptive components results in what I call the Paradox of Authority-in-Democracy. Overall, despite its failings, we live in a democratic society. Nevertheless, most of the day to day decisions in our society are made by authoritarian means. Students don't elect their teachers or vote on grading standards, workers don't elect their bosses, we don't elect our police officers or set speed limits by market means. Yet there are enough adaptive mechanisms to keep authority in check.

What Steven Dutch is seems to be saying is there is a hierarchy in any group but the group works better if there is feedback. Feedback is something you find in electrical engineering and negative feedback in  a circuit helps promote stability.

In any case hierarchy is an issue that Hegel goes into and it seems to correspond to his Metaphysics.

In any case what you see with Steven Dutch is  an unusual amount of flashes of insight,--insight that suggest solutions to great problems.  He he is suggestion that the important thing about the American Constitution is that it has feedback, and is a combination of atop to bottom and bottom to top kind of system.
One trouble with the communist system is in fact it is totally top to bottom once they get power. But they can get power because of the promises that attract people and that they do seem to keep.--to get rid of exploiters.