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God is the First Cause.

The way I conceive of God is the First Cause. The general way this is attacked  is "Then what caused the first cause?" The way to answer this objection is this: if  you always need a cause of a cause [an infinite series] that would defeat the entire concept of causality.  For you would never get to any cause if you would have to go an infinite number of steps back. So if you accept causality at all, you have to accept the First Cause. 

The First Cause does not say anything else. {Thinking of God as the First Cause does not say anything about His Nature. If you want to get to that you need to show that by rigorous logic}

The problem with people's conception of "Hashem " is it is like a personal "god" that they can command to do what they want.

And "all religions” are not connected with God. For example, the Aztec religion was a religion and has very little to do with God.

The proof of Godel about the existence of God is important, but that is not the issue I want to address here. But I might as well mention I had away of sealing up his proof with an idea I saw in a Mathematical Logic Book.In Mathematical Logic there are two  principles which answer the objection of Kant.

(Completeness Theorem)(Compactness Theorem).
I am not at present involved in this subject but I thought to write it down just for a reminder to look at this later.
The place I learned about these two theorems was from Stefan Bilaniuk's book  A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic Chapter 4. [][From the finite to the infinite. Perhaps the simplest use of the Compactness Theorem is to show that if there exist arbitrarily large finite objects of some type, then there must also be an infinite object of this type.]