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the religious world is idolatry.

 One of the not so minor problems with the religious world is idolatry. This may not be obvious at first to people that are sunk into it, but if you think about it you can see that worship of graves of tzadikim is a problem. I am not saying this is easy to be gotten rid of. You really need someone like king Yoshiyahu that went all over Israel destroying every last remnant of idolatry. And of course the problem with fighting evil is that one suffers for it.  Somehow after that, he got a dumb idea in his head to fight the king of Egypt and lost. And his kingship was pretty much the end of kings of the house of David. His children were the ones that the king of Babylon killed and destroyed the Temple, and the glory of that Temple has never returned.

That shows how powerful the kelipa of idolatry is. Still if the Torah stands for anything, at very least it stands for not doing idolatry. There is no choice but to fight it, no matter what the consequences are. 

My parents definitely saw the evil of the religious world, but I did not understand what they were saying. I wanted to go to an authentic Litvak yeshiva based on the Gra, but did not see how the religious counterfeit religiosity that the Gra us against, had seeped into it.