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 Learning fast depends on self confidence that even if you do not think you understand, still the learning gets absorbed. This is certainly the point of Rav Nahman in his Conversation of Rav Nahman  number 76.

This is well understood in Litvak Yeshivot where the afternoon session is devoted to learning fast. [The morning hours from 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. are for in depth learning.]

All this is well known. The only thing I wanted to add is that this applies to STEM learning also.

That is to review the whole Physics text from start to end, word by word a few times before going back to do in depth review. [And the different session of in depth learning should be like I heard in Shar Yashuv--to review each sub section ten times.] That could be for a paragraph or a chapter.]

I have not been reviewing the LeM of Rav Nahman recently, but if you look you will see many places in his book where he indicates that the hidden wisdom of God is contained in his works of Creation. I count not even count how many times Rav Nahman hints to this idea. So when you learn Math and Physics, you are learning God's wonders. 

Now I think for the sake of clarity, the Rishonim who hold by this approach [who are certainly not the majority][That is mainly Ibn Pakuda and others that followed the approach of Saadia Geon. ] , still those that do hold from this also hold from MetaPhysics. But I have been reluctant to mention this part of their approach for the same reason, I never went into Philosophy myself (even though it interested me)--that is this: for the last 2500 years, Philosophy has not come up with one single solved problem. Zilch.  And especially 20th Century philosophy was in total free-fall.