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Even if I recommend the  greatness of the Litvak yeshivot that are based on the Gra, I was never really able to find my place in such institutions. But Rav Nahman held from this principle that even though I might not be a "איש כשר" decent person, that does not mean that I ought not to desire that mu friend should not be an decent person. In all books of Muar that I know about, it is suggested that by helping others come to Fear of God, I might also merit to fear of God. כל המזכה את הרבים, אין חטא בא על ידוץ

However I do admit that I am reluctant to recommend anything "frum"[religious], since the Dark Side has so deeply penetrated into every aspect of the religious world.

But if  you would have a place that would be following the Gra and Rav Israel Salanter [Musar], then I would have no problem with giving that my highest recommendation, and support. But as we all know, there is nothing in the religious world that follows the Gra except a few place few and far in between.

And I really loved the whole experience of learning Torah within the context of the Litvak world. But I was derailed,  and my own lack of commitment to sitting and learning Torah might have contributed to that lack of being able to do do so. It takes a certain degree of commitment to learn Torah--no matter what-in order to succeed in this.[Like the event  with R. Yochanan and his friend. The had no food, They and their families were in dire straits. They thought to leave sitting and learning Torah and to go and do business. Then R Yohanan heard behind the wall they were sitting at-The angels: "Let's push this wall over them since they are thinking of leaving learning Torah." R Yochanan heard them, The other did not, 

So what seems to me is that the Gra was right and the fact that the  religious world ignores his signature on the letter of the herem is what has caused to religious world to fall into idolatry and extreme wickedness.