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It is odd how Torah got to be a means of making money

 It is odd how Torah got to be a means of making money when it seems clear that it was meant to be a "for the sake of Heaven" kind of thing. I might not think this so odd if not for the commentary of the Rambam on Pirkei Avot where he says the heads of the yeshivot that claim it is a good deed to give them money are lying. [That is not on the first time that mishna is brought there. The first time is in the first chapter. But later it is brought again כל המשתמש בתגא חלף [who ever uses the Torah passes away] and there the Rambam says that comment.

That comment of the Rambam was the cause of the first arguments against him during his lifetime. That argument is not well known. The second argument against him was because of the Guide for the Perplexed. That one seems to have bee more wide spread since it included the Baali HaTosphot and also Rabbainu Yona [author of the Gates of Repentance]. Later Rabbainu Yona realized his mistake and in fact repented and thus we have the classic Musar book Gates of Repentance. [There are four classics: חובות לבבות שערי תשובה, אורחות צדיקים מסילת ישרים.]