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global warming

 I wanted to mention that global warming is not as high as it was during the time of the dinosaurs. [which was about twenty degrees higher in Celsius which is about 40 degrees higher in Fahrenheit.] Still I think the fact that the oceans are even a slight bit higher seems to cause an increase in parasites.

[I would agree that is the average temperature in Canada was 90 degrees Fahrenheit that there would be cause for concern.]

So even though I go into the water, still I think it is best to do so only once, and to get out of the water since these little parasites seems to get attached to the skin very quickly --and you can not see them.

I do not see others at the sea are worried about this, but still I think this is an issue. The Muslims had a festival last week and were siting in the water for hours. The surfers were out in force today. No one seems concerned about these little parasites. I used to worry more about the jelly fish but after actually touching one as it floated by and nothing happened -I realized that they are not the problem. It is these little parasites that no one seems even to be aware of.