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 I wanted to mention some of the major aspects of the path of the Gra. (1) Learning Torah is the most essential part of it. It is not just from his comment on the Mishna in Peah אלו דברים שאין להם שיעור וכו'.. ותלמוד תורה כנגד כולם והגמרא ירושלמי אומרת שאין לו שיעור היינו אפילו על ידי דבר [דיבור] אחר מן התורה אדם מקיים את המצווה של לימוד התורה. [These are the things that have no measure... and learning Torah is equal to them all. The Talmud Yerushalmi says that means no lowest measure. That is even by one word of Torah one fulfills the commandment of learning Torah.] Rather the spirit of Torah is embedded in the path of the Gra. Learning in depth also is an essential part of the Gra's path, i.e. Tosphot, Maharsha , R. Akiva Eiger, the Ketzot etc.

(2) Not to speak lashon hara. [i.e. not to speak evil about others.]

(3) Trust in God --as you can see in the Madragat HaAdam who brings the comment of the Gra on Mishlei.

(4) Great caution in dinei mamonot --monetary laws--Choshen Mishpat.

[5] "The seven wisdoms". This is a forgotten part of the Gra. Most people assume that math and physics are not in the Gra's approach. But you can see that it is in the intro of the translation of Euclid by Baruch of Shkolov who was a disciple of the Gra. There he quotes the Gra: "For every lack of knowledge in any one of the seven wisdoms, one will lack a hundred fold more in Torah."]