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what is decreed for one will happen anyway no matter what. Navardok [the disciple of Rav Israel Salanter, Joseph Yosel Horwitz]

 So how much effort should one expend to get to his goals? None at at all? Or trust in God? This seems ambiguous. The way the Madragat HaAdam [the disciple of Rav Israel Salanter, Joseph Yosel Horwitz] understands things is that what is decreed for one will happen anyway no matter what. But more often it seems that it is by trust that one needs no effort. Even if this can no be right still it is useful to conceive as if trust takes the place of effort. And does a better job.

[I am not dealing here with the opinion of Ibn Pakuda that one should expend effort, but also trust in God--the very thing the Gra says not to do. But ven Ibn Pakuda agrees that when one accepts on himself the yoke of Torah there is removed from him the yoke of work,

And the "yoke  of Torah" includes Physics and Metaphysics as stated in Ibn Pakuda and Rambam.