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 There is a connection between Devekut [attachment with God] and learning Torah even though this is often denied. In fact I think that the sort of learning in depth at Shar Yashuv and the Mir were for me a sort of bridge towards a deep attachment --devekut [attachment with God]. But talking with people you always hear how learning Torah is dry intellectualism as opposed to real attachment with God. I think this dichotomy is false. In fact I believe the only real path towards authentic attachment with God is by learning Torah.

And the enemies of the Gra and the straight Litvak path  I think are in deep self delusion that their idiocies somehow amount to attachment with God. In fact, you can see the exact opposite of their claims. Good character is connected with true attachment with God. Since good honest character is found in the Litvak world therefore by definition that is where you will find true attachment with God. [I am not saying good character is universal in the Litvak world but rather that it characterizes that world. Exceptions do not discount the rule.] [I admit the Dark Side has enter into the Litvak world. however there still is a trace of authentic Torah.]