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straight Torah

There is not enough awareness in the religious world that revelations can be products of the Sitra Achra [the dark side.] People assume that if they have some dreams or visions that they must come from the Realm of Holiness.  And they assume that about famous people also. For that reason I feel that the signature of the Gra on that letter of excommunication   is simply ignored way too much-because of this exact problem. But because it was ignored that gave the Sitra Achra an entry pass into the religious world. So nowadays it is almost impossible to find anywhere in the religious world that has not be taken over by the Dark Side.
[One basic issue that I think the Gra meant to bring up is that any object or even a person can be made an object of idol worship. And when that happens the object is forbidden to be used. It is clear to me that Rav Shach was also thinking along these lines.]

There is almost no longer any concept of what straight Torah means anymore.
 But if anyone would listen to me I would suggest to learn the Avi Ezri of Rav Shach to get an idea of what straight unadulterated Torah from the real of Holiness really means.
[You can get this also from Rav Haim of Brisk's חידושי הרמב''ם also to some degree but I have found Rav Shach explains things a lot more simply an understandably.]