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There are a few references to Aristotle in the Musar book Obligations of the Hearts חובות לבבות. Sometimes they are hidden inside hints. One such place is in the Gate of Wholehearted Devotion Towards God. פרק ה section five.There he warns that for people that are knowledgeable in Torah can be tricked by the evil inclination if they do not know Aristotelian Logic because the evil inclination can come and use faulty logic to try to mess up one's understanding of straight Torah.
This idea of the Obligations of the Hearts shows me how and why the religious world got so messed up. They use faulty logic to misinterpret Torah.

Now it is possible to see how important it is to learn Tosphot, and the books of Rav Haim Halevi from Brisk and Rav Shach in order to get to straight Torah.

The first place in the Obligations of the Heart חובות הלבבות  where he says to learn the Meta-Physics of Aristotle in in his introduction. [That would have been well known in Muslim Spain where Rav Behaye ben Joseph Ibn Pakuda was writing but also in Christian Spain where they had the basic works of Aristotle.