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There is a teacher of Torah that comes from the Dark Side

Rav Nahman brings this idea: אך דע שיש רב דקליפה והוא בחינת עשו כמו שכתוב בעשו  יש לי רב..ומהם מקבלים הרשעים רוח הטומאה.
"There is a teacher of Torah that comes from the Dark Side. And that is the essence of Esau. And from him the wicked receive the spirit of uncleanliness and evil."
ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' סימן ח

You do not see there that many signs of how to tell the difference.

But in that particular lesson of Rav Nahman you can see he distinguishes between authentic Torah as opposed to Torah from the Dark Side.
And he does go into the phenomenon that you generally feel and tremendous spirit of Life and holiness the instant you walk into an authentic Litvak yeshiva because in the Torah is the spirit of Life. That is what gives you the ability to tell what to avoid--places that do not have that spirit of Life you find in Litvak yeshivas.
Other places have spirit but not from the realm of holiness. And the way you can tell is simple- they do not have the desire to learn Torah. They might learn for money or for show, but that does not count.
This is related to the Hafetz Haim klal 4 law 11 concerning laws of lason hara. There the Hafetz Haim goes into the need  to check out a business partner--to ask around-before you join him in business. all the more so when it comes to supposed teachers of Torah, one should not trust that automatically since they have a good reputation that they are trust worthy. Usually the good reputation is a result of good PR and and in fact usually indicates the person is in fact from the Dark Side.