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Often Torah leaders are actual agents of the Sitra Achra [Dark Side]

I do quote Rav Nahman, but that is not to say that I am in agreement with everything in Breslov. Sometimes I think Rav Nahman is misinterpreted or interpreted in ways that take one off on tangents.[The Torah in Deut. 18:10-11 and Isaiah 19:3 condemns conjuring up the dead. I seem to recall also Isaiah circa 65:4 ] In any case he is very insightful.

  One of his remarkable insights is that often Torah leaders are actual agents of the Sitra Achra  [Dark Side]  which many people have discovered the hard way. But warnings about this problem are rare. It is something that Rav Nahman had the courage to bring attention to this very serious  matter. So many lives would have been saved, so many homes and families would have been saved if people had just be aware of this amazing piece of information.

  He does not give a lot of signs on how to tell who is who,- but even so, the simple warning is already a useful and important bit of information.
[Actually the Talmud itself brings this very same idea yet in the context of the Talmud it is easy to miss. But when Rav Nahman says it at the very beginning of his lessons it is impossible to miss.
[That is ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' סימן י''ב and also סימן כ''ח]

It seems clear to me that I ought to at least here mention the place like Ponoviz where Rav Shach was the Rosh Yeshiva and similar kinds of places that are devoted to straight authentic Torah that I see in a very positive light. But I do not have any kinds of proof or even signs of how to tell.