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Famous Torah leaders that are a lie.

The problem with מפורסמים של שקר (famous Torah leaders that are a lie.) come up in the writings of Rav Nahman from Breslov in ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק ב' סימן א
 It comes up when Rav Nahman is emphasizing the importance of finding good teachers
And then he says this: אך צריך לידע ולהכיר את המפורסמים כי יש כמה מפורסמים שהם בשקר והם רק על ידי עזות כמו שאמרו חז''ל עזות מלכותא בלא תגא

"One must recognize and know the famous people because there are many famous people that are famous and thought to be righteous tzadikm because of lies and fraud."

[Sometimes it is not at all by fraud, but rather great powers and spiritual insights are given to them from the Dark Side in order to create formations of evil.]

The Na Nach groups are more aware of this kind of problem than any other group I have seen or heard of. Still as much as they are aware of this and careful to avoid these kind of  Torah scholars that are demons, I still think they are not as careful as one ought to be.
They also tend to include in that category than I think is fitting.
What I mean to say is that most Litvak Roshei yeshiva that I have known were great people, and certainly not the kinds of demons that Rav Nahman was warning about. [The Litvak Roshei Yeshiva that I knew were Rav Freifeld of Shar Yashuv, and Rav Shmuel Berenbaum of the Mir in NY. Those two I knew fairly well. Almost all Litvak Roshie Yeshiva I knew were very sincere and loved Torah for its own sake, and ran from fame and publicity.]