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I think the main reason why religious leaders are so against Math and Physics is because they are afraid they will exposed as idiots. The stereotype of the dull stupid religious leaders has a real element of truth. Far more than people know.

Even though there is some debate (in the Rishonim) about secular wisdoms, I do not think that there is any debate about learning Physics and Mathematics. Obviously Nahmanides did not share the same high opinion of Aristotle as Maimonides did. But natural sciences I think everyone would agree are important. [In most Rishonim this is implied, but not stated openly. However in the Rambam Maimonides it is stated openly.]]

The way to go about this I think is to start the day with Musar [works on Ethics from the Middle Ages or the disciples of Rav Israel Salanter. And then to plunge into Physics and Mathematics right away in the morning.

[I confess that I do not know how to learn Physics. My education in Shar Yashuv and the Mir was about "how to learn" Gemara which I have already written about. But Physics I have no idea about. Some people are talented in that area and need no advice from me. Others feel if they have no talent they why waste the time? But I feel for those without the natural talent it is still important. And thus to go about it in דרך גירסה saying the words in order from the beginning of the book until the end and then to start again.]

[I think the main reason why religious leaders are so against Math and Physics is because they are afraid they will exposed as idiots. If STEM subjects were a part of Torah learning as the rishonim held it ought to be, then the fact that religious leaders would be known for what they really are. The reason is that it is easy to fake Torah knowledge. But it is impossible to fake Math knowledge.

The stereotype of the dull stupid religious leaders has a real element of truth. Far more than people know.