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People do have  a world view whether they like it  or not. See the CPR of Kant. Kant's ideas can be further expanded by means of Howard Bloom. That is besides the eye glasses that we must see the world by [space an time and the categories,] there are world views that we adopt. Bloom uses the idea of the meme. That is a constellations of beliefs around a central belief. This does not have to be conscious. The more pervasive and powerful the beliefs are the more one is unaware that he has them. They seem simply obvious.

You  could use this idea to provide an argument for learning Musar [Mediaeval Ethics.] That is to learn the classic books of the middle ages חובות לבבות אורחות צדיקים שערי תשובה along with the writings of the Gra, and the Avi Ezri of Rav Shach. That is in order to gain a Torah perspective.