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my dad's contribution to science

 I wanted to explain what was my dad's contribution to science besides the InfraRed telescope. That is this:  a radio is imposing a signal on a preset signal. Thus laser communication is the same thing except that you are using laser frequency instead of radio frequency. This he developed at TRW until the incident with the KGB stealing secrets from TRW was revealed, and TRW lost all their contracts and became a car company for 20 years. All their aerospace technology was sold to the other aerospace companies.

[The paper trail I think was lost. However I was very well aware of his work because I saw it myself, and it was explained to me at TRW itself in some detail when I visited there. But I should add that even though this is an incredible advance comparable with radio communication because of the much wider band width, still the reason for its development was not to improve communications,  but rather to keep secrets away from the Russians that could listen to radio waves that spread, while laser beams don't spread out much.]

I should mention that my dad was not embarrassed of his name Rosenblum. Rather he had decided to change it to something shorter [Rosten] when he had to sign the release papers of German civilians after WWII. [He was able to speak German fluently [since he grew u in a Yidish speaking home] and thus was placed in position to interrogate German civilians to make sure they were not part of the Nazi Party.] {Yidish is a off shoot of German so it is easy to switch from one to the other.]