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 What is wrong with scientists? They came up with three criterion for something to be  planet? The three is it has to be massive enough to clear all the dust and particles surrounding it. Thus Pluto they do not count as a planet. Well they ought to take out Saturn also that has vast dust clouds called "rings". From where do they come up with stuff? [Though I admit that besides Physicists and Mathematicians, they are all pseudo scientists-especially doctors. They think they know what they do not know.]

[However I saw in the former USSR that doctors were aware of their limitations and did held by the idea "Do nor fix that which is not broken". I was very impressed by the doctors in Uman -both in the local nd also the regional hospital.

But on the other hand -what is it with the "religious"? They even more so believe they know that which they do not know. They get a little bit of religion and all of a sudden wearing\ a kipa is the foremost commandment [Forget about parents.] [Even though there is no requirement to wear a kipa not from the Torah nor from the sages.] And about that Gemara where wearing a head covering is thought to bring to fear of God00well that is not why people wear a kipa.. Rather they ear a kipa in order t show how religious they are. And that in itself  prohibition--הצנע לכת עם אלהיך  to walk modestly with God --that is not to show off how religious you are.