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Not to add extra restrictions. What people try to pass off as the Law, is almost always their own additions or even perversions.

 In the LeM of Rav Nachman vol. II perek 44 is a lesson about not to add extra restrictions. חומרות יתירות And I used to say that Torah lesson over every day for 40 days. At some point the message got through  and I began to see that a lot of what people try to pass off as the Law, is almost always their own additions or even perversions.    I became skeptical of the religious world. The only part of the religious world that  have respect for is the Litvak yeshiva [based on the Gra]. Litvak yeshivot bear in mind this principle: "Do not add and do not subtract from the Law"

[Though even with this principle, it is not always easy to tell what is the actual law and what is the fraud that the religious try to pull over our eyes.] 

At any rate, you might notice that this message did not get through to me until I read it in the book of Rav Nahman. But however I got the message, I wish to convey this important idea--which is in fact a verse in Deuteronomy, "Do not add and do not subtract from the Law."