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three tribes of Indians on the east part of Ohio. (Shawnee, Wyandot, Delaware) ערוגה בת ששה טפחים על ששה טפחים

 Did it ever occur to you that the mishna ערוגה בת ששה טפחים על ששה טפחים seems a bit strained. 

[Five types of vegetables can be planted in a plot of land 6 handbreadths by 6 handbreadths]

Why plant five types of beans or vegetables in a plot of land that is a square foot? Well, the answer is there were three tribes of Indians on the east part of Ohio. (Shawnee, Wyandot, Delaware) Their practice was to plant corn --their main stable. When it sprouted a little they would make a little mound around it and plant beans on that hill. That kept the soil in place [and added nitrogen to the soil afterwards)]. Then planted pumpkins over it--that gave shade and prevented weeds.

So these three crops ["the three sisters"] were in a sort of symbiotic relation. So you can see that planting certain kinds of beans or vegetables in close proximity can be a great help-so one does have to be able to do this without transgressing mixed kinds of vegetables. [So the geometric shapes discussed in that mishna become very practical. --The mishna says 5 types can be planted  there but they have to conform to the restriction that each be not actually mixed with the other.