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 I think I made a small discovery in mathematics. You have heard of vectors right? They are on in a x y z 3-d space. Well there is a similar thing called octonians. The normal vector in 3d space you describe by basis vectors ijk. But in 8-d space you have i,j,k,l, il, jl, kl,
If you take a simple octonian squared you get -7. That is (i+j+k+l+il +jl+kl)^2= -7

And if you take a simple basis vector (i+j+k)^2= -3 

I have mentioned before the connection this has with Kant with his triad, and Hegel with his triads, and the Reshash {Shalom Sharabi}.

Women that frivorce their man have to be shunned.

Women that frivorce their man have to be shunned. And the religious teachers that encourage them to do so also ought to be shunned. {Religious teachers make  a song and dance about how pro family values they are but they are in fact on the forefront of the movement to destroy fatherhood and families and have been doing so for a very long time.}
Here is a comment from one person that did this: 

"I also do this in my own family. My wife’s brother, his wife frivorced him for cash and prizes and to f-ck another man, and I have told everyone and anyone in my married family that until she REPENTS for her sin (which she’ll never do, Pride and Satan have a strong hold on her) she is “dead to me.” I wont go over to her house and see her kids if she is there. I will not help her (or her blood family) in anyway. I ONLY want to be in the lives of her children (my nephew and one of my favorite nieces.) But I will only attend events that focus on her kids provided I don’t have to sit anywhere near that woman. Initially my red pill shunning of her was met with conflict with my father-in-law. He said I was “too good a man” to be treating my ex-sister-in-law this way, and that we had to look past it. Said it was that movie 50 Shades of Grey that made her think she could act this way. I had a little talk with him, one on one, man to man, and he understands how badly he crossed the line with me. He and I do not speak about her anymore. Slowly but surely, I have gained allies in my family against this woman. Everyone is starting to shun her. And maybe (someday) someone ELSE will think TWICE before they do what she did if they KNOW that they run the risk of losing a great and helpful family member the way I was with her prior to her running to a judge and nuking her marriage unilaterally.
Act locally as I do. It has to start small, incrementally. It all started small in destroying the family and fatherly headship. We have to start small in repairing it."



erudite knight

I saw this in the humanities and social studies departments. I thought it was a conspiracy from the KGB. I have a friend who worked for the KGB and he thought the KGB did not have the resources to cause the kind of social upheaval we saw in the 1960’s. But to infiltrate the universities he might agree. Look at Bezmenov’s ytube. Something caused these departments of universities to turn hard left.
Though I did not take the classes, in those subjects, when I was at Polytechnic in NY, I saw the texts they were teaching in the English and humanities departments. Pure straightforward Marxism.  This was a place dedicated to STEM so that was a surprise to me.

Race is the beginning of the divide of one species into two

I see race as pretty important from a evolutionary point of view. That is straight Charles Darwin. Race is the beginning of the divide of one species into two. To try and stop this -to fight nature-is doomed to failure. Another reason race is important is it is in fact how people react to others. A third reason is that there are characteristics unique to different races.

I should expand on each point. The first is straightforward. One species in two places adapts and changes. The beginning of the change is often color as we see with birds. After some time the separation becomes permanent and you have two completely different species.
This happens often in other species. No reason to think humans are any different. Darwin noted this in finches.

The other element of this is Sephardim often react to Ashkenzim as "the other," which makes getting to Israel very difficult. An Ashkenzic Jew often finds in Israel that his neighbor is a Sephardi and then the Sephardi spends all his time and money and efforts to get rid of the Ashkenazi. This happens so much that you could say the main reason Ashkenazim do not make aliya is not the Arabs, but the Sephardim.

Authentic Torah as opposed to religious con men

Religious teachers are the last people to decide what Torah is. .

When talking about Judaism, they are in fact talking about Jewish culture, not about Torah the Oral and Written Law. To conflate or mix up the two is stupid.

Woe to the innocent fools that go to religious teachers for advice..

To religious teachers  religion is about ritualistic behavior and Jewish culture. This appeals to people that are slightly schizo-typal personalities. To others it is all about culture.

To me Torah is about Torah--the oral and written law. Period.

Too many religious teachers are con men that are talented at getting people to believe there is some good deed involved in giving them money. It is because largely they are born into this scam. Their fathers made money by means of using the Torah, so they have to continue in this fraud.

This is very different from those people who in fact learn and teach Torah for its own sake as you find in Lithuanian kinds of yeshivas. But how to tell the difference I am not sure. Or how to give an accurate sign? I experienced the real thing, authentic Torah-in my first two yeshivas Shar Yashuv and the Mir in NY. So I should have been able to tell the difference between the real thing and the frauds and scam artists. But I was not. I am overly naive. Here is a good link to an essay on cults
[These are important ideas that were around in the 1960's but that did not stop problems. Warnings that people did not heed.]


There is a lot to discuss in terms of Communism. My basic point of view comes from learning Torah. One of the most fundamental aspects of Torah learning in yeshiva is the "three Bava's" which are about civil law. The main idea that you get there is people have a right to their own property.That idea is already in the Ten Commandments but it gets emphasized in the three bava's. Still to defend capitalism is possible from a purely secular point of view. See Michael Huemer's critique of Marxism. As far as it goes in practical terms there is a lot to discuss. I have seen a lot of good that the Soviets did for their own people and a good deal of the problems that came with the system. And the same for the USA. So to argue from empirical evidence or experience or philosophy is possible but to me it is simpler to go by the Ten Commandments "Thou shalt not steal." That is people have  a right to their own property. 


capable women

I have a lot of respect for capable women. I had a girl friend for a brief time in high school, Wendy Wilson who was amazingly smart. I think she got 1198 out of 1200 on her SAT. There have been other girls I have known like that. I have to say that to me a lot depends on the person and their character. And I have known women that were good at being wives and mothers. My Mom for example. She was probably the  best example of what I have ever seen or heard of in terms of being a good mother and wife. But she was not the only one. I remember the wife of Shmuel Berenbaum at the Mir in NY. It was not just that she was supportive of her husband and children but it was almost as if she was carrying the whole yeshiva on her shoulders. This is hard to explain or put into words. My impression is that attitude and intention is everything. A wife and mother who intends to be a good wife and mother can do so in the most amazing fashion. The trouble with feminism is it took away the desire of women to be good mothers and wives.