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The basic structure of an authentic Lithuanian yeshiva is two sessions. The morning for what is called in depth learning of the Talmud --"iyun." That means you sit with a learning partner from 10 until 1200 preparing the material. Then at 1200 noon you go to one of the four classes that goes into the material in depth. The afternoon is for fast learning.

In both yeshivas in NY, Chaim Berlin and the Mir, many of the students in the afternoon went to Brooklyn College. The reason is that the main thing in yeshiva is the morning seder (session.)
This is a very good system except it has been largely taken over by people that use it to develop personality cults around themselves and is no longer about learning Torah.

If you are not in the vicinity of an authentic Litvak yeshiva, do not go to a phony yeshiva. Rather at home get one volume of Talmud and one book of Musar [mediaeval Ethics], and have make you own space a "Makom Torah" place of Torah.

The best choice of Musar is to have one book from the actual middle ages, like the Obligations of the Heart, and one like the Level of Man of Navardok in which there is a discussion about trust in God without effort. בטחון בלי השתדלות 

That is a concept I was never able to act on except twice. Once when I went to yeshiva in NY in the first place. The only other time was when I went to Israel. Besides that I have found it hard to trust in God without any effort.