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To learn Musar and Gemara. I think with the input of these two things every day that you will see blessings in all of the other areas you want to have go well. So what I think is to do every day about 1/2 hour of, each one. [You could add time to each session if you want. But a half hour of Musar and a 40 mintutes of Gemara I think are the best way for one to get out of problems. The power of Torah is great. Musar means traditional Musar like the חובות לבבות (Obligations of the Heart) or of the disciples of Rav Israel Salanter.]

 I am look at learning Torah as a kind of unexplained thing that has power to help one in life. 

You see this kind of thing in the Old Testament when Elisha the prophet told the Syrian general to be tovel [immerse himself] in the Jordan River seven times and he would be cured of leprosy. Sometimes there is some small thing that can help one in life enormously, but one does not know what it is or does not recognize its value.