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When a certain tzadik comes into the world  and has joined with a certain divine trait completely then it is impossible to get to that same divine trait except through that tzadik.I think this explains why it is only in Lithuanian yeshivas that you can find Torah. Once the Gra came into the world I think one can come to Torah only through the path that he opened.

I know it is good business to pretend to know Torah and make what looks like a yeshiva. Sadly there are too many frauds and charlatans. Instead of naming names I stick with one simple truth: if you want to learn and understand and keep Torah you need to get to a Litvak Yeshiva. You don't need to be in it all day. Part of the day you might work or go to university or go to the beach. I am not talking about how much time you spend. I mean that simply to comprehend what Torah is about seems to me to be impossible without that proper context.

I think my parents got a hold of the "good parents" archetype. Though I forgot most of it, growing up with them was an amazing experience. There was just some numinous aspect of their lives and their relationships that just shone out with the light of a thousand suns. There was just some kind of wholesomeness and amazing love that it was all about.