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If you accept the opinion of some rishonim like Ibn Pakuda

 If you accept the opinion of some rishonim like Ibn Pakuda or the Rambam that learning ought to be in four divisions, Oral Law, Written Law, Metaphysics and Physics but you find that the learning does not come easily. The best idea is the saying of the words and going on without review until one gets to the end of the book and then to review again many time. This is in the gemara itself לעלם לגרס אנש אף על גב דמשכח ואף על גב דלא ידע מאי קאמר שנאמר גרסה נפשי לתאווה "Always one should say the words even though he forgets and even though he does not understand what he is saying."

[That is called "Bekiut." But review is also important. The question is how much emphasis to give to each part.]