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unveiling of Being

There was can be a period the unveiling of Being that can be sabotaged. This is something you see in a Midrash about King David who said רומה על שמים השם May  God be lifted above Heaven. The sages said that King David saw that the Divine Presence was coming down on Earth but that people would not ready for that brilliant Light and so David asked God to take it above the first firmament, and then above the second, and then the third, and then finally above all the different firmaments-- so that the actions of people would not harm the Divine presence.  You can definitely have periods of some kind of Divine revelations or awakening coming into the world that can come to fulfillment, or it can be jinxed and replaced by the presence of the Sitra Achra. --the Dark Side. I mean to say that in the case of King David, if he had not asked that the Divine Presence should be removed, then the damage would have been such that the destruction would have reached even into the higher worlds, and the Dark Side would have been given power on Earth.

You might see certain periods of unveiling that are successful, and other times when the Dark Side rules the world-- like nowadays.