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This is the age of disappointment.

 This is the age of disappointment. One example which shows this is the case of a Muslim born and raised in Canada and because of the regular kind of search for values that teen ages go through he became radicalized. As part of this process he went to Syria. But just seeing the kind of society that Syria is got him to start asking himself if what he got himself into is really all that better than Canada. But that would not have been enough to change his mind. He needed the mental tools to be able to deal with the cognitive dissonance. So one day a wise old Muslim sat down with him and asked him what is "jihad"? The answer the youth said is the holy "fight". So that wise man said ''No. The word for "fight" is a different word. Rather "jihad" means a different kind of internal struggle. So that youth gained a sense of  balance, and helped to prevent terrorist attacks in Canada.

This is a good example of what many people go through. The experience is universal. Some with Scientology, some with the Adi Da group.

So this got me to thinking that I found something that really was great, but I really could not stick with it: that is the straight Litvak Torah path that I saw at the Mir in NY. I tasted the "real thing."   

But that is quite different from the religious world which is more or less along the same lines as Scientology or Adi Da. All I am saying is I did discover that there is such a thing as authentic holiness in the Torah path of the Gra and Musar.

[However, experience in the religious world is likely to be disappointing since the emphasis in the religious world is money, power and being the top dog and keeping the plebeians like me in a semi slave state to support them. Only in rare places like Ponovitch or the Mir is the actual standard the Torah. The is no connection between Torah and the religious except in show and in verbiage.]