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learning secular studies

 Rav Nathan, a  major disciple of Rav Nahman did not hold from learning secular studies at all. And that is clearly what he understood from Rav Nahman. However that might be the aspect the was conveyed to him by Rav Nahman. For the Le.M of Rav Nahman says that there are deep secrets of Torah hidden in the physical world. [Not just the spiritual aspects.] LeM Vol. I, chapters 1, and 56. Vol. II, chapter 96.

The trouble with secular studies is that most are junk. Unless one is learning practical things like automobile repair or natural sciences, the vast majority are just a way for universities to drum up some cash

[In Hovot Levavot [The Musar book called Obligations of the Hearts by Ibn Pakuda] SharHaBehina chapter 3 you see the spiritual aspects in things is not the same as the wisdom in them.]

[It is fairly clear in the rishonim [mediaeval sages] that follow the line of Rav Saadia Gaon that Physics and Metaphysics are aspects of learning Torah. But there are plenty of other rishonim that hold just the opposite. An argument of rishonim "these and those are the words of the Living God". So there can not be any final decision. Both are valid, even if the custom is to follow one or the other.]