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"He whom the gods want to destroy, they first make insane."

 "He whom the gods want to destroy, they first make insane." [That is from the Ancient Greeks.] If people believe is no that there is no difference between men and women, there is nothing else more plain and obvious to appeal to.

So the USA has gone insane. Thus China is going to be the major superpower soon.

How did they get this way? By a kind dual axis of the individual and the general society.

That is to say: that the Communist Party of China started out totally society based--I mean Marxism. [That is the world is oppressed and oppressors and the solution to to take out the oppressors, (as in "eliminate"). That would result in Utopia.] Then that resulted in disaster, so in 1978 the switch happened to private property and technology and economies as opposed to politics. The slogan was "to seek truth from facts." Not to seek facts from ideology as in the USA. But the Communist Party would still be  in charge. So China found some balance between the individual and society.