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The Old Testament view of Homosexuality.

 The Old Testament view of Homosexuality.. In short it is that there are three things that if one is given a choice "transgress this or we will kill you" that one must choose to be killed rather than do that sin. These three things are גילוי עריות שפיכות דמים ע''ז- the sexual sins of Leviticus 18 and 20, murder, and idolatry. The reason that this is relevant is that homosexual acts are in that category. This seems to me to be relevant to Catholics also from what I recall from my little bit of reading of Aquinas. In Aquinas natural law of the Old Testament still applies to Catholics.

[I was borrowing Aquinas's Summa from a Catholic Church and sadly enough had to give it back before I could do any more study of it than just a quickie review. But from what I recall Aquinas was making a distinction between Natural Law in the Old Testament and Ritual Law. And he was saying that Natural Law still applies to everyone.]
This view of Aquinas is close to R. Shimon ben Yochai that we go by the reason for the verse. דורשים טעמה דקרא. And according to the Rambam[Maimonides] we know the reasons for the verse and he gives them in the Guide for the Perplexed  and the reasons for the verse in the Guide are all Natural Law.

In the Catholic world there is outrage at the dismissal of a group of bishops that wanted to establish some ground rules. To me that seems like a good thing. Outrage at evil I think is healthy. Self criticism is a great thing.
Outrage at evil you can see when the tribe of Benjamin was almost wiped out because of their failure to hand over the murderers of a fellow's girl friend.  [The basic idea was they were protecting the murderers. So all Israel went to war with them]