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What is a good argument for the Lithuanian Yeshiva is this:

Unsupervised packs of idle youth in the world of hasidim screams adult incompetence. Parental authority has been neutralized by the general secular culture. Most of the time for good reason.
The only teachers they have are insane religious manics. Little Satans with rabbinical credentials.
They are generally at the forefront of the movement to dismantle the family in order to get hold of the youth as little pawns in their organizations.

Parents nowadays are useless when it comes to education because just too many are crazy. Universities teach values that are highly negative. With the facade of reason the social and humanities departments teach Marx.

Is it a wonder that the youth having no credible teachers have no credible values?

The Boy Scout homosexual leaders I am sure are instilling great values in the poor youth that fall into their hands.

So what you and up with is cults or other kinds of terrible religious organizations that are just waiting to prey on unguided unsupervised youth.

You would think that this universal disaster of the West would have merited a few comments here and there. But this one universal catastrophe which has hit every home multiple times has gone unnoticed  and unmentioned.

Thus I claim the Litvak yeshiva is important not only from the aspect of learning Torah but also from the aspect of learning general menschlichkeit. [human decency]