The cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on- sordid shenanigans are not a good advertisement for their beliefs. I don't reject this tradition in total , nor deny that there is value in it; and indeed a vital implicit message for people which is that meaningless existence is probably the main problem of the modern world.
But for all my interest, that I found the individuals involved to be off-putting. Indeed, among the scores of teachers and authors I encountered -(set aside group members), there were barely a handful I found tolerable as persons or whose lifestyle seemed admirable (in so far as I could discover this): they were and are not an impressive bunch (at least, not to me).This was confirmed by visits spaced out over years- areas being the center of all that is the cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on; and a places that had more hyperbolic praise for their special and wonderful atmosphere than perhaps anywhere else.I believing the legends and stories was intrigued. However --- I found these places and people as at best underwhelming; and in fact, mostly somewhat unpleasant - with a seedy, fake and slightly sinister feel about them; and (with a few exceptions) a much higher than usual head count of apparently damaged, emotionally-desperate or exploitative, and manipulative people.
This contrasts with my experience of real working class people and regular Lithuanian Yeshiva type of people, where (without going over the top about it) there are some very decent and trust-worthy people, the general atmosphere is considerably more wholesome than average, and there is a fair bit of courage, integrity, beauty and a lot more altruism than I myself am capable of. Something to look up to.
A lot of this boils down to s-e-x (variously promiscuous, and rape of children) - I strongly suspect that the usual, mainstream secular and materialist motivation of sex is powerfully at work on or just below the surface of the cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on spirituality - and there are very few who are exempt. This means that whatever spirituality is on-the-go is - in practice - put into a subordinate place; and the spiritual side really doesn't work as the primary motivator. It would be going too far - but not much too far - to suggest that the cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on in real life (as opposed to in theory) seem to operate like a gigantic rationalization for aspiration for sordid shenanigans! The damage they cause in individual lives is enormous and always denied. They leave trails of broken people and marriages where ever they go. Rape of children is the most common thing that I hear about in every the cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on group, but that is not the whole story. It is just a constant underlying factor
It makes sense that exploitation soon follows then. Sex seems to be the most powerful, or most abused, tool in the marketers/profiteers arsenal. The fake appropriation Torah is a shame.
In a university or legitimate Lithuanian yeshivas, the incompetent get weeded out by competition. It’s only in societies like the ones built by the the cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on and other status oriented types that the incompetent become the institution and wind up in positions of unassailable power, locking everyone else down to their piss-poor levels of performance. The main thing for them is the appearance of competence, not actual competence.
The major focus is credentials. The credentials are always given by equally incompetent frauds.
This is one of the reasons the cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on societies QUICKLY become hell on Earth. Because you can’t get rid of everyone who is competent without the rest of society collapsing.
The way to get clarity is by study of cults. Once you see the claims and practices of your supposedly enlightened groups are the same you gain insight into what is really going on.
In a university or legitimate Lithuanian yeshivas, the incompetent get weeded out by competition. It’s only in societies like the ones built by the the cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on and other status oriented types that the incompetent become the institution and wind up in positions of unassailable power, locking everyone else down to their piss-poor levels of performance. The main thing for them is the appearance of competence, not actual competence.
The major focus is credentials. The credentials are always given by equally incompetent frauds.
This is one of the reasons the cult that the Gra signed the excommunication on societies QUICKLY become hell on Earth. Because you can’t get rid of everyone who is competent without the rest of society collapsing.
The way to get clarity is by study of cults. Once you see the claims and practices of your supposedly enlightened groups are the same you gain insight into what is really going on.
Look up the Chafetz Chaim Vol. I chapter 4 for the reasons why I am obligated to make this information public. Also see Vol I chapter 7 for the בין אדם לחבירו reasons.
I mean to say that there are two very different aspects of Lashon Hara and each one needs to be dealt with separately before one can publish a statement like this. Obligations between man and his fellow man is one part and obligation between Man and God is the other part. Since the problems are in both areas I have had to make sure I would fulfill all the conditions necessary before I could write the above essay.