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The super-organism is an argument why starting a Lithuanian yeshiva is a good thing.

See the book by Howard Bloom, The Lucifer Principle.  But he was not arguing for  Litvak Yeshiva. but rather for an American kind of Democracy. But I think the argument [I mean building on what he was saying] can be used to support the idea of why it is good to have a Litvak yeshiva around even if you do not learn there or even if you are not religious at all.

My reasoning is simple. Why not learn the Oral and Written Law at home? Well, on one hand certainly that is a good idea. I am not objecting to anyone who wants to  avoid all the hassle and simply buy a few books of the Gemara and learn at home. But you know already what the drawback is. The only way it gets into you is by being in a Lithuanian yeshiva. Even if you are a genius and can learn at home and understand it, still the קנין בנפש-acquiring it into one's soul-does not happen outside of a Litvak Yeshiva. Period.   The reason is obviously because of the super-organism.

And what is the advantage of this? Well, at least two things I can think of off hand. One is Midot [character ]and the other is the Heidegger Dilemma. That last thing is that modern life is meaningless.
 Reason has a limit as Kant noted. It can not venture into unconditioned realities.

The idea here is that you get two advantages by a Litvak Yeshiva. One is improvement in character. The other is it gives a connection with the meaning of life from the realm of good. [As we know people can find the meaning of their lives from the Dark Realm. And I would like to avoid that. So instead I recommend something that gives a connection with the bright, and holy  side of things.]