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At the Mir in NY the books of Breslov were in the Musar section.
And that was during the era right after they got to the USA from the Mir in Europe.
That means the books were considered a regular part of the cannon of Musar books by Reb Avraham Kalmonovicth, and the Mashgiach Reb Feldman.
And it goes without saying that Breslov was an important part of the world view of the Mashgiach that came after Reb Feldman that is Don Segal, the Mashgiach of Ponovicth.
And I specifically asked both Don Segal and Leibel Berenbaum about this subject. And this was definitely in the context of the\ issue of the excommunication that was signed by the Gra.

The excommunication is as valid today as it was when the Gra signed it.

Certainly no one thought that is has expired. And in a large degree this seems also to have been the opinion of Rav Shach of Ponovitch was was the Gadol Hador at that time.

But the books of Breslov are kosher